Another beautiful day at China Rock despite the fog bank lingering offshore and news of a shark attack at Lovers Point lingering in the minds of the team. The task for the shore crew was to continue GPS marking the locations of instruments. This became a bit of a game of hide and seek between the instruments and the team … Read More
Tuesday Jun 14th: Final preparations…
Tuesday morning was a windy one and began with a check of the conditions at both sites. Waves were big and winds were high at both spots. At the beach lab, work then continued on the final prep of instruments for deployment! post by Kaden Quinn The small-scale array team was busy in the … Read More
Monday Jun 13th: So it begins!
The first day of the ROXSI project was a staging day that consisted of an initial meeting of the teams who then quickly got to work on the unloading and assembly of all the instruments/gear needed for the project. There were a total of 71 instruments all of which needed to be unloaded, assembled, and prepped for deployment. On the … Read More
Sat & Sun June 11 & 12: Finding a Rock for the Small Scale Array
Site recon started this weekend for the small scale array. Tony and Johanna dove on three sites off Asilomar that had been selected from ETrac bathymetry surveys and Google Earth images. We chose a large rock in 4-8 m water just north of the large-scale array, which had some nice-looking flat spots at the top for mounting instruments. A surface … Read More